Grazie a Napolux, ecco per voi 82 links per imparare e lavorare meglio con Photoshop.
Sono tantissimi tutorials, tutti da scoprire e da condividere con gli amanti della grafica.
Un lavoro di ricerca certosino e veramente ben fatto, complimenti!
Un consiglio: per aprire i link, cliccate con il tasto destro e fate "Apri in una nuova scheda".
- 10.000 Free Shapes
- Fresh Foliage Photoshop Brushes
- Free Graphic Design Resources
- Photoshop: stili per effetti web 2.0
- Aqua Text Photoshop Tutorial
- Halftone Background
- AppendixSquared
- Effects Tutorials
- HDR Tutorials Roundup
- Tutorials Garden
- 28 Free Illustrator Brushes
- Top 7 Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts
- Mizuno’s Super Airbrush PP Tutorial
- Web 2.0 Webdesign-Tutorials
- Free Photoshop Brushesl
- Tutorials 2.0 - Design
- Design a Web 2.0 tab
- Japanese Foliage™
- Glossy Tutorial
- Design Your iPhone Widgets
- Icone Vista-style
- Unglaubliche Vektorgrafiken
- Tutorials and Design
- Photoshop brushes
- How to clone people
- Adobe Tutorials - Adobe Photoshop
- Web 2.0 style buttons
- Photoshop Tutorials and Downloads
- PXLGFX- Painting Method
- PXLGFX- Polished Text
- Cherry from scratch
- Attack of the iPod People
- Free Photoshop-compatible Plugins
- PS Brushes
- Photoshop Tutorials
- Glossy Buttons
- Creative Guy
- How to make smooth curved lines
- Text-made Image
- Photoshop Tutorials
- Invano - Photoshop Tutorials
- Easy to follow photoshop tutorials
- OzzDesign - SnapShooter
- Underwater Scene with Gradients
- - Brushed Metal Logo
- » Spiderman out of bounds
- Shiny Glass Effect | Web Layout
- Photoshop Brushes!
- Photoshop document to CSS in 30 sec.
- Tthe home of all things photoshop
- Free Photoshop form element templates
- Excellent Photoshop Tutorials
- Pixel Groovy - front page
- Design Resources
- Rapid Fire #1: Photo-Realistic at SixThings
- Tutorials - Page 2 | Photoshop Lab
- Create a Fake Software Box
- Most Popular Tutorials
- Infinite-Fire
- Design - Easy to follow photoshop tutorials
- Photoshop Tips for Web Designers
- Photoshop Tutorials
- Planet Tutorial
- Opening and printing scans of money
- Blog Tutorial
- PhotoEdit101
- Cybia - Plug-In Filters - BW-Plus
- Spoono - Photoshop Tutorials
- Imusion Studio
- How to do cool pop art portraits
- Pop Art Inspired by Lichtenstein
- Wacom Tablet Tips
- Webmaster Tutorials From New Tutorials
- Sharpening — Part I
- Adobe Studio Exchange
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